Structured Finance 2020: Success!

Same as every year, the Structured Finance Convention is a highlight for the German corporate finance world. This year with Covid-19, it was held virtually; and the result, at least for us, has been amazing. Initially, we hesitated about participating. We wondered how to However, the coordinators convinced us that the Structured Finance Convention has more value when Tomato Cult Cups are part of it.

Once started, the virtual convention was finally much easier than I thought. At first, I was suspicious on the technical side and I kept wondering if participants would have enough time to receive, read, and also answer everything that was on chat.
We frequently greeted and interacted with old friends and clients we met in the chat room.

We also met new people and established first contacts. Of course, visitors are also often present in sessions and online meetings. Due to Corona, we plan video meetings via our new video office room with some of our new contacts.

An interesting link for me was:

Kommende Fachmessen

Fachmessen in diesem Herbst, die wir empfehlen!

32. Alpbacher Finanzsymposium in Alpbach/Tirol
10. bis 12. Oktober 2018
Thema  „Der CFO als Manager digitaler Assets“ Anmeldung

13th Annual Meeting of SFI: Seminar in English
7. November 2018 in Zurich from 12.00 to 17.30
Topic: How resilient is the Swiss financial system today and what measures have been taken since the last crisis to limit financial stability risks? With the keynote address of Dr. Fritz Zurbrügg, Vice Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank.

Structured Finance in Stuttgart
21. and 22.11.2018

Wir bei Tomato sind mit unseren beliebten Tomato-Tassen dabei.

Finanzverantwortliche treffen sich jährlich in Stuttgart an der Structured Finance. An zwei Tagen können Sie ein On-Stage-Interview und eine Podiumsdiskussion besuchen.

Wir knüpfen an die Erfolge der Vorjahre an. Wiederum trinken Sie Ihre Getränke aus Tomato-Tassen, erhältlich bei der Kaffeebar. Anmeldung

Eine Reihe von Fachmessen und Seminaren finden Sie immer auch auf