Taxes: BEPS 2.0 – Base Erosion and Profit Tax Shifting

Ein Bericht von PwC. Die jahrelange Diskussion um die Besteuerung grosser internationaler Konzerne wird bald Realität. Das von der OECD vorangetriebene Projekt «Base erosion and profit shifting 2.0», besser bekannt unter dem Kürzel «BEPS 2.0» – wird zu signifikanten Umwälzungen in der Steuer- und Standortpolitik führen.

Im Bericht in deutscher Version lesen Sie zu den Topics:

  • Zum Hintergrund
  • Säule 2 im Überblick (Unternehmen von 750 Mio. weltweiten Umsatz)
  • 15% Steuern wovon?
  • Konsequenzen einer Niedrigbesteuerung
  • Was bedeutet dies für die Schweiz?
  • Fazit

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On 2 February 2023, the OECD released the Agreed Administrative Guidance for the Pillar Two GloBE Rules as part of the Implementation Framework. The Guidance covers 26 topics regarding Scope, Income and Taxes, Insurance companies, Transition period, and Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Taxes. Further Guidance can be expected to be published on an ongoing basis. The Administrative Guidance will be incorporated into a revised version of the Commentary that will be released later this year. 

Details at PwC Switzerland

What is SWIFTnet?

What is SWIFTnet – 99 Problems but SWIFT Connectivity Ain’t It

From the same source the author describes Swift for Corporates. Here in no particular order: A single global bank connectivity solution. The overall bank architecture is simplified and standardized across the different banking partners;

  1. Improved controls: you can implement better controls and replace manual interfaces with an automated SWIFT solution;
  2. Reduced internal & external costs of maintaining and supporting multiple solutions and of various bank solutions. Cost reduction depends on the number of banks with whom you have a bank interface, number of bank interfaces, traffic volume, number of countries that you’re operating in;
  3. Security: SWIFT offers corporates a trusted global solution;
  4. Reliability: SWIFT boasts 99.99% network availability and has never ‘lost’ a FIN message;
  5. A global solution: corporates can take advantage of the SWIFT network and connect with their banks and bank branches around the world;
  6. Straight Through Processing – STP: standard global data formats for payments (MT101 and ISO20022 XML PAIN.001) and bank statements (MT940 / MT942 formats). By ensuring that your ERP systems can generate and accept these SWIFT standard formats, you can start building efficient global daily processes. This enables your payment messages to go straight through the process at the bank and reduces the time spent on manually entering bank statements and / or fixing payment errors.

Source SEPA for Corporates  

What is EBICS?

We read an interesting overview of EBICS, which the author on SEPA for Corporates calls “the most boring article on EBICS” – we’ll let you decide for yourselves. Here is the brief on these topics:

  1. EBICS is the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard and is widely used in Germany;
  2. EBICS History:
    – 2003 EBICS deployments start in Germany;
    – 2008 EBICS is mandatory for banks in Germany;
    – 2011 French banks are required to complete their standard to EBICS;
    – 2015 Switzerland joins EBICS;
    – 2020 Austria joins EBICS;
  3. EBICS is a solution that offers a single, common, and open standard for corporates to connect with ALL of their banks in Austria, France, Germany, and Switzerland;
  4. How is EBICS set up? Your bank guides and supports you with your EBICS implementation;
  5. What File Formats does EBICS Support? SWIFT MT messages (MT101 and MT940) and ISO20022 XML.

Source SEPA for Corporates

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